BIG SALE 2/24/2010Stop in on Wednesday and save! The more you buy, the more you save:
Buy 1 or 2 items and save
12%Buy 3 or more items and save
24%Here's how it will work:
If you buy up to 2 items, you will receive a 12% discount on your TOTAL purchase (S/H not included).
If you buy 3 or more items, you will receive a 24% discount on your TOTAL purchase (S/H not included).
So why stop with only 2 items--buy more and SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!!!
Read the fine print: Your 12% or 24% discount will be given as a refund via Paypal after your transaction is complete and I receive notification from Paypal of your payment. Also, when you buy 4 or more items, your package will be shipped via Priority Mail and you may receive a second refund for any overpayment of S/H.
This sale is effective only for "in stock" items listed in my shop. I do have duplicates of many of the designs, so if you need more than one of any certain design/size please contact me before Wednesday to verify availability. Any questions? Just ask!